The online blogging community lost one hell of a blogger today as The Burgh Blog decided to cease operations. You can read the final post here. The Burgh Blog ran for three years and though I did not become aware of the blog until earlier this year, it was one that I checked almost daily since then to read PittGirl's latest stories and happenings in and around Pittsburgh.
Living outside of Pittsburgh for the past two years, reading the Burgh Blog always made me feel that I was staying in touch with the city and its people. PittGirl shared a love for Pittsburgh that many readers knew all too well and made others long to return to the city. Her writing was intellectual, witty, honest, humorous, real and in short, fantastic.
We here at The Wheelhouse know the inordinate amount of time it takes to put into something as simple as a daily post. And how a various number of things get in the way of writing with the biggest obstacle being life. Life gets in the way: That 9-5 job, the commute to and from work, family, old friends, new friends, kids, significant others, emergencies, etc. So for whatever reasons she chose, we can understand the decision to stop the blog with everything else going on in life. As I'm sure it will be hard on PittGirl to stop doing what she loves after three years, it'll be almost as tough to not be able to check it anymore and read the insightful writing. PittGirl, thanks for the daily breaks from our will be missed.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Burgh Blog Ends
Posted by
4:58 PM
Labels: The Burgh Blog
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's Football Season
Yesterday while watching the bizarre Steelers-Chargers game early in the game, I was thinking the same exact thing that Todd, the other esteemed author of The Wheelhouse, texted me after a Hines Ward catch and run of 30 yards in the snow...
"Hines Ward is just great."
It's so true. Hines has always been a favorite player of mine for years as you can always count on him to produce year in and year out (and annihilate a couple linebackers from time to time). But during Sunday's game, it just didn't feel like football season was in full effect until you see Hines Ward sliding his way past defenders in the snow and muddy field at Heinz Field. At least to me it doesn't. Well, football season is officially here now as Ward had a monster day with 11 catches for 124 yards, the referees tried to change the outcome with penalties and terrible calls and the Steelers won the first 11-10 game in the history of the NFL. In fact, to drive home the fact of how strange a game it was...when was the last time a team had a 300-yard passer, a 100-yard rusher, a 100-yard receiver, had no turnovers and scored zero touchdowns? Let me know if anyone finds that out. How can the Steelers top that next week?
Posted by
2:19 PM
Labels: Hines Ward, Steelers
Thursday, November 13, 2008
News Flash to Keith Olbermann: The Election Ended
Keith Olbermann is a dick. I've known this for a while now and that's why I do not "Football Night in America" on NBC...actually I never really watched it because he's intolerable. The guy should of just stuck to sports...something he knows, but no he wanted to be a "real" newscaster! Yeah that's right, he went from calling slam dunks on Sportscenter to being an "expert" on politics. So for some unknown reason last night, I found myself watching his show on MSNBC, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann."
During this offensive show, Olbermann rambles on and on for a 10-minute rant on the many interviews Governor Palin has been doing since the election ended. Oh and that rant goes on and on with the camera two inches from his fat face. Who cares that Palin's being interviewed? If there are networks out there that want to talk to her then obviously somebody wants to hear from her. Keith, you do know the election is over right? You can't persuade any Americans with your shitty liberal show anymore. Leave the woman alone.
After ruining my night by watching the show, a funny thought hit me. What will Olbermann talk about with no George W. Bush around or no Republicans in office? This show should come to a crashing halt. Since Olbermann's had the show in 2003, he's criticized the Bush administration and any other Republican he could find. What will he do with his boy Obama in the White House? He wouldn't dare say anything to hurt a Democrats image to the American people! Maybe he can make fun of everything Bush does after his term is up. Maybe they can just pull his show since he'll have nothing to talk about anymore. Then again, he never really had anything paramount to say anyway.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: George W. Bush, Keith Olbermann, Palin