Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Wheelhouse is Now Tweeting

This post is probably two weeks overdue, but it's official—The Wheelhouse is now tweeting on Twitter. You can find the home link here at to follow all of the tweets.

I'm not entirely sure how this new online phenomenon will be used in relation to The Wheelhouse, but know that we'll be tweeting away on various topics, comments about sports and life in general. Oh what world we live in where thousands of people now tweet on their twitter and people actually knows what that means. Couldn't they have thought of a better name for this online communication?

Anyway, continuing with the housekeeping, look for a gadget on the right column that shows the live Twitter feed as I'm currently trying to work on the kinks in it. I will also be adding a couple of new links to the blog and website list on the right as well as possibly overhauling the layout and design of The Wheelhouse. Nothing official as of yet, just playing around with it to see all the options.

That's it for now. I promise to get some new baseball posts in the next couple of days with the All-Star game rapidly approaching next Tuesday.

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